Graduate Courses
Physiology and Biophysics
Graduate Biochemistry I
Directed Study- Graduate Chemistry
Model-based Analysis Phys Data
Topics in Physiology and Biophysics
Physiology and Biophysics Research
Cell Physiology and Biophysics
Student Journal Club
Seminar in Physiology and Biophysics
Teaching Practicum in Physiology and Biophysics
Student Journal Club
Expermntl Tech in Sys. Physiol
Machine Learning
Mol and Cell Biomechanics
Magnetic Resonance
Biomedical Engineering Rsrch
Machine Learning
Special Topics in Biomedical Engineering
Public Health
Introduction to Global Health
Contemp Issues in Public Hlth
Health Systems Performance
Biostatistics I
Data Mngmnt and Informatics
Biostatistics II
Introd to Research Process
Epidemiology Public Hlth
Social and Behav Dtrmnnts Hlth
Demographic Theory and Methods
Health Services Research Appl
Environmntl and Occuptnl Hlth
Advanced Biostatistics
Cost Benfit and Cost Efft Anly
Qualitative Methods
Independent Study
Capstone Smnr: Pop Hlth Issue
Communicating Science to the Public
Introduction to News Media Con
Communicating Science to the Public
Communicating Science to the Public
Cog and Behav Neuro: I
Responsible Conduct of Research
Calculus III with Applications
Introduction to Linear Algebra
Finite Mathematical Structures
Independent Living & Disabilty